
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Concerning Bycatch: Chapter 8


    Beyond the locked door was just what the professor had said: a long, dark hallway.

    The passage stretched away into the murky distance, numerous etched doorways branching off to either side. The wall-mounted candles were here too, running in even rows and casting little pools of dim, flickering light. Luigi closed the entrance to the foyer behind him and waited, ready to face the next wave of ghosts, but for the first time that evening there really did seem to be nothing. After a few long moments he clipped the Poltergust nozzle back into its holster and reached for the Gameboy Horror.

    The study E. Gadd had pointed out flashed dully on the screen, a key shaped emblem spinning slowly in front of it. It was the second right hand door in the hall. He made his way to it quickly and began coaxing the lock, keeping one eye on the dark expanse to his left.

    After a few moments of fiddling the door swung inward with a low, deep-throated creak.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Concerning Bycatch: Chapter 7

    Mario’s position was not improving much.

    Ghosts were no longer an issue. They were still present, cropping up in practically every chamber he entered, but for some reason they seemed to have developed an unholy terror of his presence. All he had to do was poke his nose into a room and the majority of them would scatter like so much wind-blown tissue paper. There were a brave few who still tried to attack him, but even these would shrivel back and vanish before breaching a six-foot radius around his person.

    It was helpful, yes, but also exceedingly unnerving.

    Nothing had changed since his escape from the dungeon, at least nothing he knew of, and definitely nothing that should trigger this kind of response. So the question was, why was it happening? No answer he came up with made any sense. No comforting answers anyways.

Concerning Bycatch: Chapter 6

  Luigi wasn't sure what he had expected when the professor offered to help him. One thing was for certain, though, it hadn't been this.

  At first E.Gadd had put together a field kit. In addition to the device--which looked for all the world like some sort of vacuum cleaner--he had given him a set of emergency tools, five or six mansion keys, the rest of the mushroom drops, a more powerful flashlight, and some sort of tablet called a 'Gameboy Horror'. Each of these items had been stashed in a storage compartment on the vacuum, and Luigi should have been ready to go.

  How he had gone from that to being locked in the professor's cellar was something Luigi was still figuring out.

Want More to Read?

Super Mario Timeline Part 1