
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Super Mario Timeline Part 1

    Keep in mind that this is an ongoing project, so the timeline may change to suit the story’s needs. This timeline also CONTAINS SPOILERS as it shares a brief breakdown of all the Super Mario stories I intend to write.

Next (coming soon)

Super Mario Disaster Master Page


- Mario Bombs Away
    Mario Sr.’s wartime adventures before he enters the Mushroom World.
    Mario Sr. immigrated to the US from Italy as a young adult, where he lived a normal life as a workman. I’m not sure if he was drafted or if he volunteered, but he ended up as a soldier about midway through the Vietnam War. He picked up the skills to navigate the Mushroom World there, from his experiences with jungle warfare.

    (I don’t plan to write this, but it provides valuable background information.)

- Donkey Kong

    Later in life, Mario Sr. stumbles into the Mushroom World, where he meets his future wife (who doesn’t have a name yet).

Super Mario Disaster: Master Post

Welcome to the catastrophe that has become of my ‪meddlings‬ in the Super Mario universe.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Concerning Bycatch: Art Dump

Concerning Bycatch: Art Dump - Two spooky Super Mario trees with eyes

A catalogue of all the illustrations and concept art associated with Concerning Bycatch. 


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Concerning Bycatch: Ch. 17

Concerning Bycatch Ch. 17: Midnight Snack — three cans marked with the E. Gadd logo, one of them fallen over and spilling black sludge.


Luigi barely pushed through the cloth-shrouded door before freezing like a deer in the headlights. The hallway stretched to either side of him, deeply shadowed, and by all appearances, peaceful. Tentatively he waved his flashlight over the wallpaper, mind full of the huge, slinking shape that had followed him from the ballroom. No shadows appeared in the light’s wake. 

Behind him, he heard his new companion shift, still tangled in the purple drapes as she waited for him to move. 
“Sorry—there was… sorry.” Eyes still darting around the walls, Luigi stepped out into the hallway again. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Concerning Bycatch: Ch. 16

Chapter 16: Final Holding Place — a battered, snaking pipe covered in icicles.


As soon as she got through the door, Comet had sprinted away from the guard room, leaving the “ghosts,” the courtyard, the white orbs, everything behind. Adrenaline hummed in her head as she tore through the passages, heading straight for the front of the mansion. Nothing had challenged her, not even the little colorful ghosts who had made themselves such a nuisance before. 

Once Comet began to feel more safe, her breakneck pace had slowed, though she kept her weapon out and the lantern high. She saw few ghosts of any kind. Rare sets of glinting eyes peered from the shadows, but they always skittered away, going about their own business. After a while, even these encounters stopped. For the first time in this wild midnight waltz, the castle actually seemed dead. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Concerning Bycatch: Ch. 15

      Something squealed.
      Novi jolted in her pile of blankets, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling. Bizarre sounds filled the washroom—a storm of chittering and shrieks. She took a slow breath and turned her head. 
      A bright blurr bounced around the chamber, lighting everything up blue. The washwoman followed close behind, swinging at it with a broom. Novi watched in silence, tension fading. It was a tube-sock ghost, the same kind that had followed her in the halls. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Concerning Bycatch: Ch. 14


It was his genuine pleasure to hear the old man scream. King boo rose from the grate, eyes aglow with anticipation, then he froze as he saw a very different person backpedaling across the room. His grin grew wider.  

“Well, look who finally arrived,” he drolled. “I had begun to think you weren’t coming.”

The courtyard group watched with exhausted satisfaction as Boolsome’s boos lead the charge, cutting off Luigi’s frantic retreat and driving him into the corner. He recoiled, cowering and protecting his head as they dove at him like a swarm of bees, then fell back, scrabbling, onto the floor. 

Want More to Read?

Super Mario Timeline Part 1